Cyber Resilience Assesment 1/9

How confident are you that in the event of a cyber breach, your insurance provider will pay the claim in full?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 2/9

In the event of a disaster or even a disgruntled employee, do you have 100% confidence that you will be able to restore all data within your organization?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 3/9

In the event of a server failure or internet outage, do you have a ‘playbook’ to ensure you can keep your employees productive?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 4/9

Does your current IT support team understand how your business aligns with technology and are they having regular strategic discussions to roadmap your IT budget?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 5/9

Does your current IT support team separate IT strategy from Cyber Security strategy?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 6/9

Do you know what your organizations current exposure is to a cyber attack?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 7/9

Does the company have a plan to protect and manage its cloud data, especially O365?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 8/9

Does your IT support team review your cyber health position and prioritize your security initiatives?

Cyber Resilience Assesment 9/9

How confident are you in your cybersecurity posture?

Numa Networks | IT Services in Orange County